Saturday, July 18, 2009

Sun into Leo - The Show Must Go On


     The Sun moves into Leo on July 22nd, and being the Leo birthday girl that I am, I would like to announce the release of my new CD single at iTunes and at Amazon's new MP3 store.  I am so elated and excited about this that I can hardly sit still.  "In A Moment" is the title track and its recording was my absolute happiest musical experience in Los Angeles.  Not only did I get to work with amazing musicians such as Peas (whose credits include work with Kitaro, the "Confessions of a Dangerous Mind" soundtrack, and scores of major TV shows), Rachel Leslie (a J-Lo backup singer) and Kathleen Keane (who has worked with Martin Hayes and other Celtic music luminaries), but we had a great time in the studio.  This song was written in honor of the wedding (about time!) of my lifelong friend Diane Ray who is the Producer of Hay House Radio.  Congratulations to her and her new hubby Barry.  I hope you feel the love in this track and won't mind dropping $5 to buy a copy of this 5-track CD. 

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     To hear the music and to find out more about my Celtic music project, Awakening Queen Maebh, just visit the Musician Page of my website. Now to this month's feature article.

Special thanks to astrologer C.A. Brooks for her emergency assistance with Chiron’s activity. You demonstrate the generosity of heart for which the Leo season we are ushering in is famed. Hats off to you!

Following the dark moon solar eclipse at Cancer’s conclusion, on July 22nd audacious, royal Leo struts right onto center stage. Instantaneously kicking lingering Cancerian worries to the curb, Leo boldly reflects our own abilities to shine, to live fearlessly and to thrive. In the face of another full moon eclipse on August 5th, squares, oppositions, incessant scenarios of global disaster, oh my, self-assured Leo enthusiastically beckons us all to follow the yellow brick road. Sure, the prophesied year of 2012 approaches, in the blink of an eye Pluto’s quest through uncompromising Capricorn has abolished yet another of our stagnant, once-cherished institutions, and according to the mainstream media anyway, there’s plenty to be afraid of. So what in the world is Leo doing up there, merrily prancing and dancing around as if there’s no tomorrow? And what on earth, in our “perilous times” is Leo up there singing?

“You’ve got to ac-cent’tchu-ate the positive
E-lim-in-ate the negative
Latch on to the affirmative,
and DON’T mess with Mr. In Between.”

And most importantly, how does he/she look so damn good doing it? From July 22nd through August 22nd the answers are obvious, Leo lives life in the present, and Leo lives life in style. Best of all, you are cordially invited to Leo’s extravagant celestial soire.

In order for some of the magnanimous magic to rub off on you however, you’ll need a pair of Leo-tinted glasses. These highly-prized designer shades come with purple-heart bravery and amber-golden optimism colored lenses. Let’s take a peek at the upcoming planetary trends with a pair on.

The Sun moves into Leo on July 22nd on the heels of the second eclipse in an usual series of three. Eclipses can disseminate shocking and intense energies as they bring hidden issues to light. For example, the recent full moon eclipse of July 7th while the moon was in the earth sign of Capricorn brought a bevy of health issues to the surface for many. Capricorn, ruled by Saturn, teaches us the limitations of our physical systems, our bodies. Pluto is also now in this stern and serious sign, making the truth about the gravity of these situations pretty much unavoidable. The dark moon eclipse while the Sun and moon are in Cancer on July 21st will likely bring domestic issues to the fore. In either case, the Universe is bringing our attention to matters needing to be addressed. Leo considers what is being presented through the prism of courage. He then looks to the pending full moon eclipse on August 5th at 5:55 P.M. PST, in visionary and unifying Aquarius, where Jupiter, Neptune and Chrion are positioned, and he sees the perfect occasion to heal whatever the preceding eclipses have revealed.

Leo also notices three special groupings of planets around 2009’s exalted trio, Jupiter (gifts, the Lion’s absolute favorite!), Neptune (dreams and spirituality) and Chiron (healing). On July 27th Venus (in Gemini) trines Jupiter and Chrion and on the 28th it trines Neptune, on July 30th Mercury (in Leo) opposes Jupiter and Chiron and on the 31st it opposes Neptune, and on August 14th Leo’s ruler the Sun opposes Jupiter, on the 15th Chiron and on the 17th Neptune. Leo looks at those Venus trines and lunges for his day planner to schedule spa and beauty treatments, and maybe some time to meditate. For that matter Leo reckons, anytime after after July 31st when loving Venus lands in nurturing Cancer is a great time to be pampered, as if an astrological excuse was ever necessary. The oppositions, however, are a little trickier. Leo knows that they represent polarities, but his hopeful outlook sees them as opportunities to bring balance and synthesis to competing agendas and viewpoints, With Chiron’s assistance, he decrees that all will be made well in his kingdom. This solar cycle. like all others, brings the often dreaded squares, Venus to Uranus on July 28th, the foreboding Mars to Saturn on August 10th and Mars to Uranus on the 18th. (Mis)use the words Mars, Saturn, Uranus and Squares in astrology, and you can scare the pants right off of a lot of people. Not Leo. As the coolest of cosmic cats he calmly and clearly recognizes the powers of formidable forces, so he marks those days on his calendar with the words “beware of tension” and “chance for resolution” in big bold letters. And really, even if temporarily panic-stricken by the misguided musings of fearful astrologers and TV anchormen, would Leo ever display his inner terror to the entire world? Not on your life.

If you really want to know where the Leo heart lives, look for the dates he’s circled to apply for that historically low mortgage rate, after clever, clear-thinking Mercury has moved into grounded and discerning Virgo on August 2nd perhaps? Maybe he’s set his gigantic heart on August 17th, when Mercury conjuncts Saturn, because he knows that Saturn’s sober influence under sensible Virgo will guarantee him of a very realistic evaluation. His ruler also sextiles Mars that day, giving his audacious move a heavenly green light. Leo doesn’t care if there’s an entire Mormon Tabernacle Choir singing “The sky is falling, the sky is falling.” He wants to live in the plushest of lairs and is poised to pounce on that $15.000.00 first time buyer’s credit. Why he’s already working on the guest list for his star-studded housewarming party.

Vein, bossy, arrogant and childish the nay sayers project on the regal spirit of Leo. They miss his point entirely. It takes guts, first-class showmanship and sometimes a little exaggerated self-confidence to play the role of leader. Who better than the hard-working, loyal Lion with his heart of pure gold to help cheerlead us out of times of doubt and Depression? When he wins, he lavishes the gifts and goodies on everyone holding court, inviting all to dream big and to know it is entirely possible to succeed. And if he doesn’t, instead of sitting around sulking - that would make his eyes puffy - his improvisational gifts go right to work on the next big adventure.

So with those fab-u-lous new spectacles Leo has graced you with this year, watch the proud gorgeous spirit of this fixed and feisty fire sign toss his commanding, luxurious mane, along with fear and caution, to the wind. Leo asserts to one and all that life is just marvelous, and if it is not, we possess the ability to make it so again.

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