Thursday, November 5, 2009

A Regular Post, what a concept

So, I usually write about astrology, for work. Don't get me wrong; I enjoy it immensely. I have a fabulous ritual in fact whereby each month I gather up my growing collection of astrology books, pile them onto my bed along with my ephemeris (astrology calendar) and soak up all I can as I make notes reading through the stack of them. Then over the next day or two I put it all together and then edit what becomes my monthly post. I also help my co-workers with marketing and have been encouraging them to blog to help promote our business. Ours is an online company, so it's up to us to get out there to promote it. But some days, sometimes, I just want to write about nothing important or weighty.

I've been feeling like this all week long. So I thought I'd start posting about regular stuff. We'll see how it goes. Right now it's getting cold outside, into the mid 30's. I'm planning on watching a movie with my cat Nicholas. He seems to want more attention lately. I can't figure out if it's the fact that his brother passed nearly a year ago, that we've moved across the country from California or if it's my frugal use of the heat. 68 degrees is my limit! It's practically a sin. I reason that I have lots of warm clothes and blankets and that he has a very thick coat. I hope one day to own a home in which I can set the temperature in each room individually. I can't believe how much energy goes to waste heating and cooling space that's not in use. I've heard that new smart houses allow you to moderate the various rooms from one point. Glad some scientist had the same thought I had ages ago and figured out how to do it. Technically speaking, I could get off of my butt and close and open the vents each day and night, but honestly, I'm just too lazy for that. This place is an old Victorian home with 10 feet high walls, so reaching the vents requires a ladder. It's so not going to happen. I'm content to send love, Light and sincere gratitude to everyone who works for the power company and their families. I'd be pretty screwed without them.

Earlier today Congress extended the tax credit for new home buyers. Even though I was approved for a loan this year, I just wasn't ready to take the plunge - way too much responsibility. But, with more time to save and this extension, we'll see. And it will definitely be an energy smart or green home.

Well, I guess that's it for tonight. Twitter felt too confining for my "inner-writer" and this has been nice. Let me know if you read

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