Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Insider's Guide to April 2009 and All things

Happy April,

I hope that this note finds you well. If you’ve been reading astrologer C.A. Brook’s column in the Power Peek, you no doubt know that Spring 2009 is off to a subdued start with Venus, Mercury and the Sun striving to move forward in gung-ho Aries while Pluto in stern and serious Capricorn squares much of the enthusiastic energy. Saturn is still retrograde in detail-obsessed, skeptical Virgo, and fiery and feisty Mars finds himself in the incompatible waters of nebulous Pisces. So if you’ve been feeling like despite the very best of intentions to jump start your life things are just not lining up and falling right into place, well, those are some of the astrological reasons. And did I mention the Venus retrograde that we have until the 18th, which has had more than a few people calling in with relationship crises?

But this post isn’t to bum you out or to discourage you; my co-workers and I are here to help you navigate these tricky astrological tides successfully. So here is the insider’s guide to April Specials at Keep it handy.

Those full and new moons are excellent times for your meditations, prayers and petitions. Speaking of which, if you need assistance with your Spiritual Spring cleaning, I’m co-moderating the Violet Flame board at on April 15th and 29th. So drop by and post, and I’ll get right to work on helping you transmute those sluggish energies into inspiration and Light. I'm a huge fan of the VF.

April 30th ends the month with the beginning of Hay House’s “ I Can Do It ” conference in San Diego. Dr. Doreen VIrtue is in fact giving the keynote address to the conference that evening. In other exciting news, our very own Mark Husson will be holding his first presentation of “Lovescopes” on Sunday, May 3rd. I’m flying clear across the United States to be there for that! Please introduce yourself if you're attending.

May will see Saturn turn direct, the release of "Lovescopes" and the Grand Opening of my newly revamped website which has been "under construction" since January. See what I mean about progress being possible and hard won in April? Until then, thank you so much for your love and support.

Affirming evermore love and Light,

Ps: Last week I rented a movie called “The Five People You Meet in Heaven,” and I cannot recommend seeing it or reading the book enough. I have no promotional affiliation with it, only a heartfelt desire to help you stay plugged into the Love and Light we all truly are. This film is a wonderful reminder.

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