When the Sun enters conservative Capricorn on December 21st at 9:30 P.M. PST it will usher in the cycle that will bring us into auspicious 2012. Much of the astrological world is already abuzz about two of 2012’s biggest events, the exact Uranus Pluto squares taking place on June 24 and September 15th. These are the first in a series of seven occurring until March of 2015, and their influence is widely anticipated to be a major source of the great societal, cultural and institutional transformation ahead. While those seismic events are building on the cosmic horizon, the immediate Capricorn solar journey before us will give us a sense of their essence. It will also offer some creative strategies for staying on track during changing times. In part that is because Pluto is already transiting sober, pragmatic and dedicated Capricorn, and on January 7th Mercury will enter this Cardinal earth sign. The full moon of January 8th in Cancer will contribute to the Cardinal crossfire. It will also nurture empathy, trust and security. In addition to the squares they form with Uranus in Aries and Saturn in Libra, the planets in Capricorn will form supportive earth trines with Mars in Virgo and Jupiter in Taurus. This cycle will also host innovative air sign trines, mainly courtesy of a Venus transit through inventive Aquarius. In short, momentous 2012 is dawning under a Capricorn sky that will bring issues to the fore as quickly as it serves up ground-breaking solutions. The art of working toward the realization of our dreams while sea-change abounds is the gift of austere, determined Capricorn, and the cycle ahead will offer many occasions to master it.
Shortly after the Sun enters conventional Capricorn, it will collide with Uranus in spirited, independent Aries in the form of a square. The disruption unleashed by squares presents opportunities to address nagging issues and to release ourselves completely from unsustainable situations. Venus, newly arrived in original Aquarius, will offer some objective insight and ingenious ideas, and benevolent, expansive Jupiter will form a supportive trine to the Sun. In astrology planets travel from zero to twenty-nine degrees through each of the zodiac’s twelve signs. Zero represents a starting point is associated with moments of infinite possibility. At the start of this Capricorn cycle Uranus and Jupiter will be at zero degrees, and the faster moving Sun and Venus will move from zero forward. This signals a time to find new ways at looking at old problems or the right time to make a fresh start by clearing the slate altogether.
The initiating energies are bolstered on the 24th under a new Capricorn moon, and on the 25th another force of renewal is activated when Jupiter turns direct. The plentiful planet has been retrograde since August 30th. In constructive earth sign Taurus, its forward motion will breathe life back into shelved projects and give weighty momentum to new endeavors. By the 29th the Sun will be conjunct (exactly aligned with) Pluto at seven degrees. Capricorn’s long-range perspective fueling the Sun and Pluto makes this a stellar time to work on big-picture ventures. To only think about New Year’s resolutions under these influences is to be shortsighted. This is Capricorn’s most industrious power and it can sustain the enterprises to which it is applied for years to come. Marking the days from December 22nd through New Year’s Day with the phrase “Life Vision” and spending some quality time contemplating its meaning wouldn’t be a bad idea. To underscore the point, a motivational Aries moon arrives on December 31st, kicks off 2012 under its bold, brave influence and stays through January 2nd. Happy New Year!
The Cancer Full Moon of January 8th creates a Grand Cardinal Square involving six of astrology’s ten planets. Mercury, Pluto and the Sun will be roughly 90 degrees away from Uranus in Aries which will be about 90 degrees away from the moon in Cancer. It will in turn be 90 around degrees from Saturn in Libra which will be approximately 90 degrees away from the planets in Cap. Of course oppositions are formed along the Cancer Capricorn axis as well as the Aries Libra line. Symbolized by the mountain goat, ambitious, resourceful Capricorn sets its goal and takes one deliberate step after the next to attain it. Dutiful, responsible and relentless, its standards are high and uncompromising. The confrontational aspects occurring while this moon reaches its zenith, under a complete Grand Cardinal Cross, suggest the unmasking of those unprepared to walk this exacting walk. After all, Pluto is a major part of the eventful equation. Cancer’s mission is to provide protection and safety and to foster emotional security, Uranus in Aries signals an awakening and Saturn in Libra champions fairness. As the cosmic waves crash over the weekend of January 7th, the true architects and custodians of the New Age will emerge as those committed to dispelling fear and competition with stability and trust.
Beaming brightly throughout this cycle will be a nearly exact trine between powerhouse planets Saturn in fair-minded, harmonious Libra and Neptune in progressive Aquarius. Also traveling through broad-minded, humanitarian Aquarius will be loving Venus. Aquarian airwaves of brilliance, originality and mental electricity in her care will be especially clear on January 13th when she trines Saturn and conjuncts Neptune. This air-sign trio will ring the bells of freedom and justice from higher octaves throughout the Capricorn cycle. If we tune in, we’ll be able to view all arising challenges from a wiser and wider perspective. As the Capricorn season closes, Venus moves on to holistic Pisces. This too is a harbinger of an important aspect that will be in effect far beyond 2012, Neptune’s transit through Pisces. Pisces is dedicated to unity and integration and Neptune offers a pathway into our innate creativity. Neptune will reach its watery home on February 3rd where it will remain until 2025. Artistic Venus will lead the way, showing us how to begin tapping into these vast and visionary reserves now.
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