Way back in 1984 Louise Hay published “You Can Heal Your Life,” a book that has sold millions of copies, been translated into 30 languages and made Hay House a self-help publishing empire. In it she espoused her theory that our thoughts play a critical role in our health. Even in her wildest dreams and most robust affirmations, Hay could not have possibly foreseen the tens of millions of lives her work was waiting to reach, aid and connect. We were all on the other side of the third dimensional veil waiting for someone to flip the switch, and she did. Hers is a great example of how a matrix works and of how one voice can active it, and its mind-boggling complexity and intricacy. The Sun moves into gentle, discerning Virgo at 4:21 A.M. PST on August 23rd and becomes part of a grand earth trine. Venus and Mercury will add their strength to this trine, and supportive new and full moons make this cycle fertile ground for establishing the frameworks of our own matrixes. On September 6th, Hay will join author and astrologer Mark Husson on Hay House Radio to talk about her work. In the meantime, the planets are lining up to help us plan, build and transition to new worlds.
Virgo completes the summer season and like its fellow mutable signs signals a time of change. During August, provocative Mars has been traveling through Cancer, where it formed an exact square to Uranus in Aries and an exact opposition to Pluto in Capricorn. The issues Mars stirred up began pointing the way to needed changes in our lives. With Saturn in Libra in the Cardinal sign mix, the message of release for renewal was powerfully reinforced. From June 2012 through March 2015 we will undergo a series of seven exact Uranus squares to Pluto. The recent Mars activity gave us a small glimmer of the immense energy and new directions available when these planets form challenging angles in Cardinal signs. Virgo is the 6th sign of the zodiac and is recognized as the sign of service. Renowned for its trouble-shooting prowess, organizational expertise and planning genius, it can help us devise reliable strategies for the life-altering times ahead. The forthcoming grand earth trine offers time and material support for building new foundations and paradigms.
Venus ventured into Virgo’s calm, cool and collected realms on August 21st where it met Pluto at 5 degrees Capricorn and Jupiter at 10 degrees Taurus. On the 23rd, the Sun follows suit as will Mercury on September 9th. The earth signs, Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo, relate to finances, career, health, resources and the physical plane of reality. Whether it is involved in the contentious energy of squares and oppositions or the softer, harmonious stimulation of trines, Pluto purifies through destruction. In the upcoming configuration, Pluto will trine Jupiter in Taurus and the Sun, Venus and Mercury in Virgo. We will have to trust that any loss we experience through Pluto in industrious Capricorn is paving the way to necessary progress. The new Virgo moon of August 28th, occurring two days after Mercury comes out of its retrograde, is an ideal time for harnessing that Plutonian power to seed the desired changes we want to see and be in the world.
The September 12th full moon in mystic Pisces provides the chance to tap into more intrinsic and intuitive support. By then Mercury will be in its native Virgo where it, Venus and the Sun will oppose the moon. Impeccable logic and practicality meet stunning psychic insight on the solid ground of the grand earth trine. This full moon is the time to write the software for the programs your developing matrix will run in the future, or more plainly said, a 5-star day to write affirmations. Jupiter will turn retrograde on August 30th (until December 25th) and Pluto goes direct on September 16th, and it will be months before they move past their shadows. Earth signs require projects, goals and aspirations to prove their endurance and reliability before tangible rewards are given. What should emerge during this Virgo cycle is a profound sense of being on the right path and some welcomed confirmation. Keanu Reeves’ character Neo ends the movie “The Matrix” with the line, “Anything is possible.” Louise Hay and Mike Dooley teach us to be conscious of how our thoughts are creating our possibilities, perceptions and realities. Observant, dedicated and mild Virgo prefers to spend her time remembering, our innate perfection.
Be sure to catch Elizabeth this Tuesday when she visits Power Peek astrologer C.A. Brooks on “Simple Tales” on 12Radio at 11:00 A.M. PST. Elizabeth has just released her new app which features music, videos, her writing and much more. You can download it for free here: http://www.elizabethsoralce.com. Lastly, Elizabeth welcomes Dr. Doreen Virtue to the Hay House Book Club this Friday on Hay House Radio at 11:00 A.M. PST.
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