According to popular author Robert Holden, Ph. D., “If you are alive, you need help.” In his book “Shift Happens” he asserts that defenses are the work of the ego, that unwillingness to ask for help is an invitation to struggle, suffering and loneliness, and that while independence looks desirable from the outside, it is really based on a deep fear of intimacy. He uses the term “dysfunctionally independent” to describe this mindset. The idea of extreme independence also runs counter to the truth of Oneness, that we are all connected and interdependent. As Holden’s premise seemed intriguingly appropriate for the Sun’s entrance into collaborative Libra, gifted astrologer and writer Aleta McClelland has joined me for this article.
When the Sun enters Libra at 2:05 A.M. PST on September 23rd, it will join Saturn and Venus who are already transiting the sign of cooperation, relationship and beauty. On September 25th Mercury will also move into this mental air sign and prepare us for a transformative new Libra moon on the 27th. On the one hand, five planets (the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Saturn) in diplomatic Libra will make harmonious trines to Neptune and Chiron in fellow air sign, visionary Aquarius. They will also receive supportive sextiles from Mars in courageous Leo and fuel from the presence of a total of eight planets in signs with active yang polarity (Mars in Leo, Neptune in Aquarius, Uranus in Aries and the five in Libra). On the other hand, or side of that famous Libra scale, squares from Pluto and oppositions from Uranus to the Libra bunch are in store. These aspects promise to bring important issues to a head and matters to the fore, especially around that powerful new moon. Lastly, this period will host seven planets in Cardinal signs, marking an auspicious cycle of new opportunities, beginnings and growth. Here’s Aleta on the Aquarian aspect.
“When we see Neptune and Chiron retrograde in Aquarius, a call to liberate through healing has begun! The retrograde is here to assist by intensifying our spiritual depth while maintaining the stamina to get the job done. This combo is nothing like sweet dreamy Neptune or wounded Chiron. These are power players who have come to get to the root of things, heal and move on to their true objective; making the new dream real. Placed in the fourth house of core foundations, there is an almost plutonian penetration to this event, which is a nice way of saying, the chaos is sincerely on our side. Neptune and Chiron are compelling us to externalize and collaborate about our healing needs individually and collectively. Not coincidentally, with the Sun, Venus, Saturn, Mercury and finally the Moon lining up in Libra, there is a ground swell of energy around broad based and quite idealistic community. We need our peeps right now and we know it! Although these planets are emphasizing the collective energy there is nothing general about it. The Sun and Venus play off of each other to create a feeling of warmth and affection, but not the amorous kind! Here, we see Venus in her most diplomatic persona, urging us towards a down to earth version of universal love. It’s the epitome of universality, updated and matured as Saturn conjunct Juno chime in. Saturn wants to insure that what we dream has a practical form so it can become real. The planets in Libra trine with Neptune and Chiron cause us to (often through disruption) reevaluate what we think are core relationship necessities, values, health, and even sanity; however it is not interruption for its own sake. They are calling in the transpersonal, a new definition of the collective, Oneness…..a taste of the actual qualities of the Aquarian Age wrapped in Libras iron butterfly commitment to balance and harmony…..and none of them are afraid of a little radical housecleaning and healing before creating anew. Just see what Pluto is doing in Capricorn!”
September 25th-28th is one of this cycle’s hottest spots, and it may will offer some defining moments. Destructive Pluto transforms and it will form squares to the moon on September 27th and the Sun and Mercury on the 28th. Progressive Uranus in independent Aries will oppose the Sun on September 25th, Mercury on the 26th and the moon on the 27th. During this time individual needs will be pitted against collective ones and the call for release will be intensified. At its best, Libra values fairness, partnership and grace. At its worst, it fails to make critical decisions. With the pressure from Pluto and Uranus, indecision will not be a viable option. Paths are being cleared for new beginnings. In fact the new Libra moon will bring the total to a stunning seven planets in the instigating Cardinal signs. With them, we can redefine how we experience life. It’s not so much about acquiring new stuff or starting new ventures. It is all about embracing an enlightening new perspective.
Holden asks us to consider which filters we are viewing our lives through. Do we see endless struggles, grievances, anger and stress? Are we running on fear and lack? Or can we see the negatives as signals to change course? Can we empty our bowls of yesterday’s rice and access our personal alchemy to heal our lives? How often do we recognize the clarity, happiness and trust that are always available to us? Libra Louise Hay’s motto is, “Life loves you.” Astrology’s Libra celebrates the colleagues, friends, partners and family members who have journeyed all this way to remind us.
Elizabeth has just released an exciting new app! It’s free and available in both iPhone and Android formats. It features music, oracle messages and upcoming appearances such as her date with C.A. Brooks on “Simpletales” on 12Radio, and her interview with Robert Holden on the Hay House Book Club this Friday, the 23rd, also at 11AM PST on Hay House Radio. For all the details, download her app now.
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