Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Valentine's Eclipses Part 2: Shop for Love

OK, so last week I asked those of you on the quest for romance to do the hard work, practicing forgiveness. Heavy stuff out of the way, I thought I’d make this week’s assignment something much more enjoyable, shopping and decorating for Love. After all, our inner and outer worlds need to reflect our desire and willingness to embrace and embody love. That, and we all need to keep the economy stimulated.

Let’s start where this journey will hopefully end, your bedroom. What’s going on in your bedroom mirrors what’s going on in your love life; no ifs, ands or buts about it. So picture your bedroom or take a good look around, and honestly ask yourself if it welcomes a lover. If the answer isn’t a sanctified “Hell Yeah,” it’s time to break out the plastic and go on a little spree.

In her book, “The Western Guide to Feng Shui for Romance: The Dance of Heart and Home,” best-selling author Terah Kathryn Collins discusses the subject in depth. Ideas that resonated with me are her views on the colors and textures for the bedroom. She’s a huge proponent of natural, flesh tones, like warm pinks and corals, that flatter bare skin. Think about it. Does anyone look good wrapped in or alongside shades of woodland green? The color of your walls quite literally sets the room’s tone. Further, those higher thread count sheets aren’t just for special occasions. Treating yourself presently to the experience you are intent on creating is the fastest way to align with its outcome. So add a can of paint and some luxurious new sheets - in flattering colors - to the shopping list. Everything counts here. The lighting, artwork, and furniture arrangement can all support your intention to create an enticing atmosphere that you and your partner will want to spend hours in. And this time of year is especially good for finding items with a love theme.

Next, and most importantly in my view, is making your space sacred. As love is ultimately a reconnection with and expression of the Divine, this is a critical part of the equation. And the benefits of keeping the energy spiritually clear and conductive of the Divine Light love is cannot be underestimated. Let’s start with clearing. If you haven’t cleansed this space since your last relationship, since the last argument with your partner or ever, this could very well be part of what’s keeping someone new from coming in or bringing in peace to your current relationship. Using lavender oil in a defuser, sprinkling sea salt water in each corner and the ever potent smudging with sage are a few examples of what to use and how. Once cleared and blessed (with any prayer you like that reflects your sincere desire for a loving relationship), there are many ways to maintain and amplify love energy.

Ever make love atop a crystal grid? Rose quartz, pink rhodocrosite, and garnet are crystals you can work with. Pink and red as well as heart shaped candles can add to the magic you want to make and are most effective when used in pairs. Jasmine, mandarin, and rose are amongst many essential oils that enhance romance. Did you know there are specific Angels for Love and Sexuality? They are Haniel and Rachiel. There are many more possibilities that the time and space herein don’t permit elaboration on. But these tips can definitely start sprucing and spicing up your romantic realms.

And before I go, as this is the last article that will appear prior to the new moon, I’d like to recommend one more thing. When the current moon cycle began, several planets were in earthy Capricorn. So I posted instructions for cultivating financial abundance by writing an abundance check. One woman who tried it received a $1,200 gift card the first week after the new moon and another $1,050 unexpectedly. I know both of these ladies very well so can vouch for the authenticity of their stories. We can apply the same principle to our love lives. So, what I’d like for you to do is buy yourself the Valentine’s Day card you would most like to receive. And in it, I want you to write the words that you would most want to hear from the love of your life. DO NOT DO THIS INTENDING THAT IT COME FROM A SPECIFIC PERSON; ANOTHER’S FREE WILL MUST BE TOTALLY RESPECTED AND HONORED. You may want to journal on this before writing in the card. What you want to get at is the essence of what your heart most longs to hear. And on Wednesday, February 6th, the day of the new moon and first eclipse of the two we are heading into, I want you to write this beautiful card to yourself with your most loving words, sign it “With love, from the Divine,” seal it in an envelope and put it away someplace very special, completely releasing your heart’s deepest and purest desires for love to the Divine. And like with the abundance checks, please keep me posted on the results.

1 comment:

Julia Stonestreet Smith said...

i love the card magic!!

now if i can just get myself to do it...
