Friday, March 25, 2011

Review: The Angel Therapy Handbook by Doreen Virtue

Excellent Resource for Beginners, Sound Advice for Pros

Virtue’s most well-articulated work to date, “The Angel Therapy Handbook” gives a clear and succinct version of its author’s take on the subject of angels, but its audience should not be limited to believers in angels. This is a solid textbook for those aspiring to learn how to give professional readings and a useful reference book for those already in the psychic business.

Under the sizable banner of psychic readings, there exists a nearly endless list of specialties including astrology, crystals, past lives and numerology, to name but a few. No one in his/her right mind attempts to be an expert in all of these areas. A good psychic, or Lightworker as we are now known, however, will have a working understanding of the various modalities. For this audience, Virtue’s book is a clear and concise primer on her views on the subject of angels. A respected authority in the field, Virtue first references her sources of information on the angels and then walks the reader through her ideas on topics such as archangels, angel numbers, etc. Particularly refreshing, she does not assert her opinions as fact or “the gospel” about angels, but rather as her experience with them. This creates an atmosphere of sharing which gives the reader the impression that Virtue’s motives are very pure and loving, to teach and to help others with what she understands. In this context the reader is free to pick and choose what works or resonates and to dismiss what does not.

Several chapters in the book detail Angel Therapy itself, Virtue’s speciality. The techniques for conducting Angel Therapy sessions, mediumship readings and angel readings are well defined and thoughtfully laid out. The nuts and bolts of “The Four Clairs: clairaudience, clairsentience, clairvoyance and claircognizance” are also given. While much of this information will feel pretty basic to the full-time professional reader, there are enough tips and tools to make reading this material interesting. For beginners, the clear definitions of terms, along with the exercises and suggestions given to develop one’s skills, make this book an outstanding training manual. With dedication and practice, anyone who wants to learn how to give readings, angel or otherwise, will benefit from this book.

Finally, and to her credit, Virtue takes on the sometimes sticky subject of reading professionally, as in for money. She confidently reminds her audience that this is a profession and that an exchange of energy is only natural. She also addresses popular myths which take a dim view of spirituality and compensation for work. Once those are dispensed with, she then provides practical business strategies. These are helpful to both the novice getting his/her business off the ground and the pro looking for ways to freshen up or grow an established practice. Throughout this discussion of business, a healthy reverence for God and the angels is maintained and in fact encouraged. This material also rounds out “The Angel Therapy Handbook.” With it, one can move from aspirant, to student, to Lightworker. Lastly, and in the interest of full disclosure, my copy of this book was provided courtesy of Hay House Publishing. However, they encourage honest reviews and I sincerely think this book is a worthwhile investment for Lightworkers for the reasons stated above.

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