Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A Wedding Song

This morning has been an emotional roller coaster, and something intensely sweet, uncomfortable and powerful is afoot. First I woke from an awful dream at 6:40 in which a man with whom I had hoped, beyond reason, that things would work out (are you w me ladies?), was rejecting me b/c of the anger I carry from unresolved issues. I felt so hurt, and well angry, when I woke up. But I started calling in the Angels to help me to forgive him, to forgive myself for my less than stellar moments with him, and mostly to help me to not give my day and power to the negativity. Then when I got up for good, resolved to process the grief all of my memories brought up and to make the best of the day that I could, there were 4 emails from clients thanking me for work I've done w them, recently and months ago. While I'm used to a kind and thankful email every now and then, seeing a bunch on this, the day after this historic election, was astonishing.

At work I hold the space for my clients to crash, to be angry, to be hurt, to fall apart, to confess, to express what they're going through uncensored. And by the grace of spirit, I am able to do that with total love and support for them. One letter thanked me for this in particular. Its author mirrors me in many ways, so her words of gratitude were especially appreciated and touching. Anyway, I don't know where I'm going with all of this, but all of these emotions have inspired me to post the lyric to my newest song, the one Peas and I will begin recording on Friday.

A Wedding Song

In a moment a life is changed
Light is lost to dark
Everything that was anything
completely comes apart
The pain is strong
And the spirit low
There is no tenderness
There is no way home

In a moment a life is changed
Love finally finds a way
And the heart that had given up
gives way to grace
It sings a song
of the strength of soul
There is untold tenderness
There is always a way home

This moment is everything
We exchange our vows
The miles of uncertainty
are one Path now
Through summer fields
and winter snows
Love’s voice will sing to us
Love is all we need to know
Love’s voice is in everything
Love is all we need to know

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